How to Blur Background in Photoshop
hay guys i this article i m telling about that how can you blur the image in photo can edit your image blur easily in adobe photo is the video in which i am telling about background blur in photo shop.its an easy method you can follow these steps and blur your photo background like a here is the video
Sun light Png
its an png of light effect which like sun light.its very amazing light effect which you can use on your images.if you are pro editor you should download it and save into your stock.i use this image on my all photography work,
Download method :
you should download it in full quality,so if you want to download it in full quality then right click on this png and click on save this will be download on your download folder.then you can use on your images very easily. png use method is explained in the video tutorial which i have linked upper paragraph.
Cutting Paper
its very amazing png file which i m sharing with you can use in your images to make more creative and effective.its a paper which is torn by can use this to write anything on your photo or you can make border with this png this video i made border with you can download it and grow your editing work like pro.
Png Text
its a text which looks very cool on your should use this on your all photos.i use on every photo and make it you can download and past it your photos in adobe photo shop very easily.right click on this image and will shows on your download here is the file.
Without edit Photo for Practice
its image which i used in my editing in photo shop.i just take it selection and remove the object & then i make it blur.and then i past my object.its amazing trick to blur you should download it learn that how to blur download fast and make it in adobe photo shop so it will helps you to make perfect editor on adobe phototshop.
Edited image
its image that i am uploading to make idea by this that how can you blur the background you can download it to that will very help full to you to make your editing work very here is the image
so guys thanks to come my blog.i hope it will be very help full to i download all the images and put into your stock and share on your social media.if you like this post then comment and share with your friends and family.
thanks alot